
Meet the 58th Hoc Habet Board Members


CHAIRMAN – Hello there, I am Brian de Groot and I’m the 58th chairman of Hoc Habet. I am currently finishing up my last year of International Communication Management at Fontys. I have fenced saber for over five years now and I also teach fencing at another fencing club in Eindhoven. I tried fencing at my old boxing club and I fell in love immediately. Next to fencing, I like to play the piano, play video games and go to stratum. Hope to see you at the training!


SECRETARY – Hello, I am Marc Basten, 18 years old and will be the secretary of the 58th board of Hoc Habet. I am a first-year Mechanical Engineering student at the TU/e. I started fencing this year, and started with Saber right from the start. I am eager to improve and love the sport and the tournaments so far. I am a busy person with many hobbies. I fly glider planes at the ZES, I am a musician, often performing with my Accordion and I play D&D with friends. I am excited to be on the board, and I hope to be active in the club for the years to come!


TREASURER – Hi there! I am Antoni Pech, the treasurer of the 58th board of Hoc Habet. I am
finishing my Master’s degree in Data Science at TU/e. I am keen on playing different sports
like volleyball and several board games. I started fencing when I joined the club in September
2023, and for the time being it has been really fun. I encourage you to join us during the
training sessions!


ADMINISTRATION OFFICER – Hi! I am Rey, and I am the 58th administration officer of Hoc Habet. I am currently a 2nd year student studying in design Academy Eindhoven. I just joined the association this March and I had quite a lot of fun while fencing here. I started fencing in my primary school but got interrupted by my teenage years, so now I am slowly picking up everything from the very basics. I like art and design and all kinds of other sports! I hope to see you at the training! :))