E.S.S.V. Hoc Habet (Eindhovense Studenten Sport Vereniging Hoc Habet) is a student fencing association based at the Student Sports Center Eindhoven. It was established in 1966. Our members are fencers who are studying at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Fontys University of Applied Science and Design Academy Eindhoven. We welcome all levels of fencers, from beginner, intermediate, to advanced. In Hoc Habet, we offer all of the three weapons: Foil, Épée, and Saber. As an association, we compete in various fencing tournaments such as NK Senioren and our very own October Tournament.
Not only do we fence, but we also organize various fun activities within our association, or with other student fencing associations in the Netherlands, to enhance the relationship among our members. These activities are mostly planned by our Activity Committee (AC).